Nat Chat

3. Useful Skills, Silent Risk, and The End of Jobs with Taylor Pearson



“Spending ten hours a week putting together a portfolio of your skills in college will often turn into a business before you even get the degree.” - Taylor Pearson In this episode of Nat Chat, we have Taylor Pearson, author of The End of Jobs and writer on business, psychology, philosophy, and other related topics on his site Taylor is a super-smart, young guy, who I wanted to bring on because he has a very interesting history and set of experiences that are relevant to anyone looking to pursue a non-traditional college path. He graduated with a history degree but ran off to Brazil, taught himself marketing, and started landing freelance gigs with a number of different companies in the states. That turned into working closely with a few location independent entrepreneurs who he ended up traveling around the world with, which all led to observations he made about the changing job market and emergence of entrepreneurship which he wrote about in his book, The End of Jobs We cover a wide range