Living Life With Lynda Show

Episode 31 - Living Well Into Your 80's and Beyond with Senior Care Advisor, Shawn Shambo



Part 1: Shawn Shambo of Assisted Living Locators, has over 30 years of experience as an Occupational Therapist Senior Care Advisor. His practice has always been focused around homes and living situations for seniors and with his depth of experience he understands the importance of maximizing independence and cultivating a sense of self-worth, which is always his first goal when helping his clients find a best fit in a new home. He works with senior citizens and their families to help them find the best option for housing and connect them with the necessary resources for an easy transition and this is all done at NO COST! Shawn will talk to us about the services he provides, the changes he has seen in his 30 years working with the elderly and how part of his mission is to help spread the word about healthy, thriving people who are 80 and beyond in order to inspire others to live healthier, longer lives. Part 2: Weekly Words of Wisdom - Lynda talks about her frustration with seeing the expansion of a local ho