Living Life With Lynda Show

Episode 33 - Coping with the Loss of a Child - Madeline's Mission



Part 1: No one ever wants to be in the child loss “club”, and those who find themselves in a club they never bargained for can feel lost, alone, and scared.  Unfortunately, that’s the club Amie Marzen found herself in back in 2017 when she lost her daughter Madeline at just 4 years old.  Today, I am joined by Amie Marzen and Melissa Chretien from the non-profit organization, Madeline's Mission.  Amie will share her very personal story with us and how that loss motivated her to create this organization that now helps other families through the same situation she was in.  This show will definitely touch your ❤️ Part 2: Weekly Words of Wisdom - Lynda talks about her observations on the TEAM involved in the Rock Row development and offers some advice on how to help make a TEAM successful.