Misandry With Marcia And Rae

The Exception to the Rule



**THIS IS TRUMP FREE EPISODE** (more or less…)(we need a break.) E-mail/Tweet us your Amendments for the new Female Constitution. E-mail: misandrywithmarciaandrae@gmail.com Twitter: @MisandrywithMR Insta: @Misandrywithmarciaandrae Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/misandrywithmarciaandrae WE MISSED YOU, MANHATERS. THIS WEEK WE DISCUSS: Iliza Schlesinger.   http://deadline.com/2017/06/iliza-shlesinger-forever-31-confirmed-kills-emmys-interview-news-1202110411/ https://twitter.com/MarciaBelsky/status/875468450705133568 -“Stop demanding that marginalized people be better than their oppressors” — Rafat -Feminism’s not a thing. -The impulse to be the person next to power.     -ONCE AGAIN - My v close friend Andrew agrees w/ everything we say so it’s FINE. -Kaitlyn Jenner and Amanda Seales - http://pagesix.com/2017/06/14/amanda-seales-schools-caitlyn-jenner-on-being-a-minority-in-america/ -Capitalism and meritocracy - “If you decide you don’t deserve what you have, then you’d have to give it up.” PS: the f