Misandry With Marcia And Rae

Not Without My Militia



ROBBY HOFFMAN (writer for the Chris Gethard Show, @iamrobbyhoffman) joins us in our studio/ bunker in the woods. Find us on Twitter: @MisandryWithMR Facebook: @MisandrywithMarciaandRae  Instagram: @misandrywithmarciaandrae E-mail: misandrywithmarciaandrae@gmail.com  #MisandrywithMR And don't forget to join our FB Group, The Militia in the Woods! THIS WEEK IN FINAL WAVE FEMINISM, as the coup draws near: Thank you to NPR's Pop Culture Happy Hour and Katie Presley for the shout out! Never let anyone tell you that Taylor Swift jokes won't get you anywhere: https://twitter.com/MarciaBelsky/status/901115211784085505 New militia member care packages are in the mail. The "What Whistle?" drill. Robby, born Hasidic in Crown Heights, raised in Canada, and her grand return to Brooklyn. Anti-semitism in New York vs the rest of America. Sean Spicer on the Emmys....... "Imagine walking into work and everybody was women." For us, that's just life.  The empathy chip.  Polygamy and where the line gets drawn with consenting