Blogger To Author

B2A #41: Mindset for Authors and Entrepreneurs with Jaclyn Mellone



This episode is about something that I’ve been thinking about a lot lately: mindset. It’s easy to brush off mindset as one of those ‘woo woo’ things that you don’t really need. But, let me tell you that working to improve my mindset when it comes to the value I provide and what my work and services are worth has completely transformed my business. So, I hope that you’ll really take this episode to heart. To help us learn more about mindset and entrepreneurship, I’m truly honored to feature an interview with Jaclyn Mellone. I’m sure many of you already follow her and subscribe to the podcast she co-hosts, All Up in Your Lady Business. We had an amazing discussion about why mindset is so important, inner mean girls, and tips for helping you grow your business. Show notes: