Blogger To Author

Writing Great Fiction and Memoirs with Gabriela Pereira



Fiction and memoir writers, you're going to love this episode! I have Gabriela Pereira of DIY MFA back on the podcast to help you make your manuscripts amazing. We talk about how to write great characters, how to find a plot and story people will want to read, and how to choose the right ending for your story. And, she fills us in on what you should do if the first draft of your novel is...not good. You'll learn how important the first page and the first chapter are, and how you can make sure you're getting your reader interested in your book right away. Then, Gabriela tells us how you can use storytelling theory to write a compelling memoir. She tells us how we need to use the principles of great writing (characters, plot, and so on) also apply to memoir so it's more relatable or aspirational. You'll hear a great framework that you can use to decide which stories from your life that you should put in your memoir...and which ones you should take out. Show notes: