Blogger To Author

How Long Should My Nonfiction Book Be?



You’ve got a great idea for a book. Maybe you’ve even started to outline or write your book. Then the fear starts to creep in. Just how much do you need to write to finish your book? How do you know when you’re “done” or if you need to write more? One of the most frequently asked questions I get is “How long should my book be?” I understand how frustrating it is to not know exactly how much you need to write. And, I get that you want to finish your book sooner than later, and you don’t want to have to be writing longer than you have to. So, I’m creating this episode to help. Here, you’ll learn the generic answer I give whenever I’m asked how long someone’s book should be. Then, I’ll share the framework I use to help decide what needs to go in your book to help you get a better idea of what your book needs to include to be “long enough.” Finally, I’ll give you some general ranges of the length of the average book in several different nonfiction genres so you can compare your book to industry averages. And, I’l