Blogger To Author

What Should You Put in Your Nonfiction Book? (On-Air Coaching Call with Suzi Fevens)



I’m really excited for this episode because it’s my very first on-air coaching call I’m hosting on the Blogger to Author Podcast. I know that a lot of you have specific questions about your books, especially if you’re trying to plan out your book from scratch. Many of you have downloaded my free “5-Step Guide to Creating Your First Book” or my free “Health & Wellness Book Planner,” but you’re still feeling stuck. So, I’m putting together these on-air coaching calls with prospective authors who are feeling a little stuck, too, and I hope that listening to me work with them one-on-one will help you find your path forward as well. In today’s call, I’m chatting with Suzi Fevens of Confessions of a Fitness Instructor. Suzi loves to write and she’s been thinking about writing a book for a while, but she was struggling to come up with a good idea for a book topic. And, she was unsure of what she should put in her book. In this on-air coaching call, I walk her through the book planning process in my Fast Author F