Blogger To Author

How Do You Know If Your Nonfiction Book Is "Good"?



Are you worried that your nonfiction book isn't any good? You’re not alone! One of the most frequently asked questions I get is, “How do I know if my book is any good?” I know that there’s a lot of fear that your book will be judged and that people won’t like it, especially if you’re self-publishing. But, luckily there are ways to make sure that readers really will like the book you’re putting out into the world. In this episode, I'll tell you what to look for to make sure your book really is good. I’m sharing my best tips based on what I see as a professional copy editor, which I hope will help you avoid the most common writing mistakes I see nonfiction authors make. (These tips also happen to cover some of the most common suggestions I make to my developmental and copy editing clients.) And, I’ll tell you how to get the feedback you need to make sure your book really IS good. Follow these tips and you’ll be well on your way to writing a book your readers will absolutely love. Show notes and transcript: blog