Blogger To Author

B2A #120: How Do You Know When You’re Done Writing Your Book?



Writing a book is hard work. You spend a lot of time typing away at your computer working to create the best book you can. You pour your heart and soul into your new book, working to fill your vision of a book that changes your readers' lives. When you're wrapped up in a book project, it can be so tricky to decide when it's time to stop and publish. When is it time to stop editing and let go? In this episode, I'll tell you the best way to know when your nonfiction book is done. I'll walk you through a process to help you decide whether you've written enough or you need to add more. Whether you're in a rush to finish writing your book or if you're so stuck on making it perfect that you can't stop editing, this episode will help you find your book's endpoint. Show notes: Click here to take the Blogger to Author listener survey!