Screaming Queenz

Sleazy Queenz Spinoff 9 - House On The Edge of the Park



Jonny Larkin is joined by sleaze merchants Chris Brown (Video Nasties Podcast) and Andy Roberts (Nasty Pasty Podcast) to delve into House on the Edge of the Park (1980). Ruggero Deodato’s follow-up to his notorious Cannibal Holocaust is an orgy of rape, murder and morally ambiguous sexual politics. Starring David Hess, this Italian answer to Last House on the Left is sure to leave you needing a shower… but is it any good? Hear our take, discussing the homoeroticism between the film’s lead antagonist and his sidekick, the themes of class and exploitation running throughout, and the shocking amounts of cuts made to the film when it was seized as a video nasty.   Be warned: spoilers ahead, and frank discussions about rape.