Tara Simkins

Ep. 21 | Pressing On ~ The Get to Game: Today, I get to ….



Continuing our soul giving conversation of this idea of this being the Most Sacred of Times and further living into the question of “Who do I want to be?  How do I want to serve?” during this time, I want to share a transformational tool with you in response to one of the common refrains we are all singing and hearing:  “These are some crazy times.” “I wish we had a choice in the matter.” “I want to do this, but they say I can’t.” I understand what it feels like when you feel your choices have been taken away.  It stinks. Sitting in that place is discouraging and devastating, and we need to feel that; however, it is not a place we want to stay for two weeks or two months.  Once the shock begins to wear off, we will move into a new stage. In this episode, I share with you the wisdom of another childhood cancer mother, a woman I never met, but whose wisdom impacted my life, and now impacts the lives of my clients and Soul School students … and even my children when they are interested:). Today, I get to