Tara Simkins

Ep. 25 | Pressing On Energy



In this podcast, I share:  ~ the difference between "sprint" energy and "marathon" energy. ~ what drains our energy:  resistance, arguing with reality, wishing things were different than they are. ~ what refreshes our energy:  noticing when we wish things were different, listening to how we are feeling, placing our hand over our hearts and breathing, and allowing the feeling to just be and eventually vibrate out. ~ share with you the resources in Podcast Ep. 1-10 and the show notes for all of my podcasts where are available for you at https://www.tarasimkins.com/courses/podcast XOXO + Press on, Tara If you want to take this work to a deeper level with a committed group of Soul Workers and Thought Leaders, join us in Soul School.  tarasimkins.com/courses/soul-school.