Bumping Uglies

The One Where It's Girls V. Boys



Episode 17: This week we are joined by three of our guy friends (Rachael's husband Andy, James, and R.J.) to hear their perspective on a few sex and relationship things. Listen as we discuss what makes a blow job, that James is looking for a sugar momma, what a blumpkin is, and we play a few rounds of would you rather! P.S.- There will be a YouTube video for this episode so keep an eye out for that. Due to power outages we couldn't record this episode until Tuesday so it's a little late. We are working with a new audio setup so there may be an adjustment period. Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and review! And tell us what you think about our questions this episode on twitter or email us at bumpingucast@gmail.com Thanks for Listening, Rach and Ash