Bumping Uglies

The One Where We Skipped Christmas



Episode 39: Merry Christmas! We hope this episode finds everyone in a happy day with whoever you love, but if the holidays are hard for you we hope that this one is just a little easier than the last. The holiday season is so busy for everyone, including us, so in our hurry to get this episode recorded we chose a topic we were very excited about that has nothing to do for Christmas...hopefully this will be the break from all the Christmas themed stuff you've been subjected to. I'll stop rambling and get to the point. This week we are bringing you a quick little talk about dirty little secrets!  P.S.- We would love to hear dirty little secrets from you all. We'd love a rate and review on iTunes. This episode was definitely a labor of love between fitting in the recording, editing, and working around file corruptions. We hope you enjoy! Thanks for Listening,  Rach and Ash