Bumping Uglies

The One With the Big O



Episode 40: Welcome to 2019 everyone! Thanks for joining us in this new year, but if you were hoping for a new us you're going to be disappointed... This week we are talking about the BIG O, you know, orgasms. Right now we will be focusing on the ladies but don't worry guys your time is coming! We've got some statistics for you, some personal stories, and a few others for you. We're keeping this one fun and light so join us to get your mind off the day and maybe get it on yourself (imagine a terrible wink).  P.S.- We are a little late because someone stayed out until 4 am last night. You may hear some dog and food noises in the background we do our best to keep noises to a minimum but life happens and we can't hide it.  Thanks for Listening,  Rach and Ash