Paleo Quick Tip Of The Day

The Carnivore Diet



I just finished reading Paul Saladino’s well researched book The Carnivore Code.  This is not an ‘easy read’ type of book, and that is just as well, since he goes into great detail on all of the why’s and wherefores of following the ultimate no carb diet.   The reading is not easy or simple, since it is so deeply researched and explained, which is a strong plus for serious students of diet and nutrition.The author is very convincing in his arguments, and is also well spoken, as I have also watched many of his YouTube videos and am a (permanent) subscriber to his podcast.  Even his podcasts and videos are long, and go into great depths.  Luckily, he is an entertaining and engaging character, and quite likeable.  Look him up- I’m sure you will be both entertained and instructed, as I was.What I find both the most compelling and also the most difficult part of his book to incorporate is not his recommendation to cut out most vegetables, especially those with high oxalates (like spinach, kelp, and other leafy gre