Well Said

Well Said: Carolina’s 'accidentally secret' student society



Founded in 1795, the Dialectic and Philanthropic Societies are the oldest organizations at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. At 7:30 p.m. every Monday of the academic year, you’ll hear laughter along with serious debate from the Dialectic Chamber of New West Hall. This is the location of the weekly joint senate meetings between the once-feuding Dialectic and Philanthropic societies. Once a requirement for all Carolina students, the societies have maintained a tradition of lively debate over current issues that span from politics to pop culture. “We have people talking about political concepts,” said George Gildehaus, former president pro tempore.  “What they're thinking about current events, and we even have people talking about bad Tinder dates and other things of a more relatable nature.” On this episode of Carolina’s Well Said podcast, Gildehaus and former Joint Senate President Katrina Smith reflect on the evolution of these historical societies since their founding, and how current DiP