Hervoice Radio

When I Smoke Green...



Ok, so the purpose of this is to show all the motions that I go through when I intake green, as known as weed, kush, ganj, whatever you wanna call it. Typically, I try not to smoke as much for a number of reasons. Reason number one, I don’t wanna see the truth or I don’t wanna see a false truth that is exposed as a lie. My perception of “truth comes to life” and that can be extremely dangerous because what I tell my mind makes a huge impact on anything I do. Another reason why I don’t smoke green is because what ever that I’m feeling in the moment enhances. So if I am sad about something and turn around and smoke weed, that feeling is enhanced and I feel ten times worse than I had been without smoking it. My fears are brought to life. Fear of death. Why am I always so afraid of death? It is because I tend to shift my focus on what I don’t have. Success being the number one thing I think about. Or not knowing who I am. I am in fear of dying without even knowing myself or reaching the fullest potential of