The Thriving Entrepreneur

Episode 24: Trust Your Hustle as an Entrepreneur



Anthony became an entrepreneur against his will at 3 years old the day he was placed into foster care by his mom. He was thrust into an unknown world with no idea how to navigate it correctly. He was lonely, lost, felt worthless, and essentially like he was alone on an island trying to fend for himself. The same first feeling an entrepreneur feels when they venture out onto their own in business when they enter a world that leaves them feeling like they’re alone on an island.  This led Anthony into a world where he would fight against the statistical odds that said he would either end up dead or in jail. Anthony’s life experiences read almost like a fiction book and it’s because he learned something he now teaches the world. How to “Trust Your Hustle.” Anthony went on to get adopted at 14, earn a college football scholarship, and eventually play in the NFL. After an injury ended his NFL career Anthony went home to venture into the shark-infested waters of entrepreneurship. He opened his first business, a gy