Southern Storytellers

Southern Storytellers - The Slammer



The Slammer: A struggling designer competes for the money to kickstart his dreams in an epic championship of the 90s fad game, Pogs- chasing adult success by facing the demons of his childhood. You won't want to miss this hilarious 90's nostalgia comedy that matches the emotional journey of self discovery of films like Garden State and Elizabethtown with the hilarious action of movies like Dodgeball and Balls of Fury. Tara Cocco accomplishes a fun, heartwarming story that will speak to the collective journey, and the collective memory, of the Millennial generation. Written By: Tara Cocco Directed By: Nathan Edwards Produced By: Nathan Edwards, Heather Lannan Narrated By: Brad Oxnam Post Audio and Foley Mix By: Derek Slawson Cast: Jay Putnam Olivia Evans Sara Antonio Colin McCann Brenna Greene Allison Shrum Michael Leidel Dean Shortland Sam Brooks Leonard Jackson Carla Christina Contreras Presented by Watkins College of Art and the Grand Divisions Production Company