Face 2 Face With David Peck

Street Gang & Sesame Street



Trevor and Ellen Scherer Crafts and Face2Face host David Peck talk about Street Gang, revolutionary ideas, the definition of genius, lightening in a bottle, TV as a wasteland and Kermit the Frog.TrailerFind out more about Street Gang here.Synopsis:Street Gang: How We Got To Sesame Street takes us inside the minds and hearts of the Sesame Street creators, artists, writers, and educators who, together established one of the most influential programs in television history.In late 1960s, Joan Ganz Cooney, a socially conscious female television executive was working in the fledgling world of public television. She was asked by friend Lloyd Morrisett, who worked for the Carnegie Corporation of New York and who specialized in the psychological studies of pre-school children, to take on revolutionary experiment. Could Joan create a children’s show that would "master the addictive qualities of television and do something good with them?"Inspired by the civil rights movement, Joan and Lloyd took this exp