Michael Manicotti

How a High Value Male Operates



I deal with a lot of females. Some of them, especially ones you find in place like dating apps, who may build unrealistic expectations of someone they have never met, false narratives or project their desires on to other people do not understand how a high value person lives. High value men like myself do not operate by the same set of rules as the rest of the male population. We are the rule makers and the rule breakers. We are not rule followers. This is key to understanding the mind of the High Value Male. So if you listen to these principals, understand them and implement them in your life, you might surprise yourself with the quality of mates you attract. They are traditional - This means that they don't accept all these bullshit beliefs that have come along in the last 100 years that says that women and men are the same and therefore should be treated the same because they're not. The same reason women can give birth is the same reason we can't eat a lot of tuna fish. A thick blood brain barrier was put