Native Wheelhouse

Drink the Kool-Aid



Drink the Kool-Aid Informal chat about Mobile software development. We update our thoughts on Pokémon Go, then we discuss BDD, Xcode 8, Android Studio 2.2, and build tools. Links for topics discussed in this episode: "The Pokéman" - Tim Cook LEGO™ plural Rent LEGO sets at AFOL - Adult Fan of LEGO Carthage iOS dynamic versus static library Swift BDD with Quick and nimble Xcode TestNavigator What's new in Xcode 8 Android Studio 2.2 ConstraintLayout How to file bugs for Android tools jstack IntelliJ community edition CLion Android SDK standalone xctool xcbuild AppCode Android test types (JVM & Instrumentation) AndroidJUnitRunner Android Testing support library Xcode Editor extensions Alcatraz doesn't work in Xcode 8 Xcode Server Shush app