New Philosophy Ends Confusion Instantly

Wipe Out Moral Confusion Instantly with Nature's Moral Code Part 10



The Money Vultures  1. The Secret Destabilization of America. 2. Bending America’s Military and Industrial Strength to Serve Evil. 3. Military Drafts: The Moral Opposite of Voluntary Service. 4. Fascism: The Tragic Direction We Were Not Supposed to Take. 5. Oligarchy: Rule by Rich, Fear-Driven Wimps. 6. The Moral Meaning of Money. 7. The President? Ha! Who’s Really in Control. 8. The American Mortgage Tragedy: Our Rented Lifestyle. 9. Our Founding Fathers Tried to Warn Us… 10. Institution of Evil: The Federal Reserve. 11. …Is it Actually Federal? 12. …Are There Any Reserves? 13. The Bloody Struggle for Monetary Control. 14. American and World History as You’ve Never Heard It. 15. The Revolutionary War: Spurred by the Bank of England.