Get A Clue, Nancy Drew

GACND MS024: The Clue in the Old Album



River Heights is alive with the sound of muuuuusic!  This week, we're reading Nancy Drew Mystery Stories #24 the Clue in the Old Album!  Nancy lets the sweet sound of the violin whisk her off into the world of different cultures that they totally understand in the search a missing father.  She meets the future King of America and his royal court while thwarting them away with a doll harnessing the power of the Sun that may or may not hold the key to immortality! Like what you hear?  We'd love for you to subscribe, rate, and leave us a review!  For updates on all things GACND, follow us on Twitter at @getacluepodcast and on Facebook at! Got something longer than 140 characters to say, or do you want to be a bit more private?  Shoot us an email at! Be safe, be curious!