Get A Clue, Nancy Drew

GACND MS031: The Ringmaster's Secret



Giddy up, Nancy's joining the circus!  This week, we're reading Nancy Drew Mystery Stories #31 the Ringmaster's Secret!  Nancy is on the case to help an acrobat find her thought-to-be-dead mother and save the true love between an acrobat and her clown.  Bess has taken up drawing due to being inspired by Nancy taking up trick riding, and George is just down to party!  Join the girls as we dive deep in the world of the circus and fraud all the while getting pumped that next week is our SUPER SPECIAL ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY EPISODE! Like what you hear?  We'd love for you to subscribe, rate, and leave us a review! For updates on all things GACND follow us on Twitter and Instagram (new!) @getacluepodcast and on Facebook at! Got something longer than 280 characters to say, or do you want to be a bit more private?  Shoot us an email at! Be safe, be curious!