Legally Enlightened With Lisa Fraley

EP10: Do You Have to Print and Sign a Contract?



In this episode, we’re going to talk about a common question in this online day and age: “Do you have to print out a contract and sign it with a pen? Is there a way to sign a contract online?” I’ll share what exactly makes a contract legally binding and ways you can legally sign them. Using written agreements in your business – and especially with clients – is critical to show that you and the other person are on the same page right from the start. Having a signed written contract can prevent and resolve conflicts – like over what’s included in your program. Or what happens if the client misses a call or a payment. Or what happens if you decide they aren’t the client for you and you want to stop your work together. Or whether you give refunds. It’s the best way to show that the other person agreed to your policies if they sign a contract. You’ll learn whether contracts have to be printed and signed with a pen or whether you can use an electronic signature. In this episode Lisa shares: What makes a contract a