Legally Enlightened With Lisa Fraley

EP37: Top 10 Questions to Ask When Hiring a Lawyer



Let’s face it. Lawyers have a bad rap. A lot of people have had bad experiences with lawyers or sometimes associate lawyers with bad or sad events in their life – whether they’ve gone through a painful divorce, or they’ve had to handle a will or estate after losing a loved one, or maybe they bought or sold or foreclosed on a house, or created or ended a business and not always on such good terms. But lawyers aren’t all bad, and lawyers and entrepreneurs aren’t all that different. We’re both are tough on ourselves. We both feel we need to “do it right” and “not mess up”, and we ALL want to serve our clients well and care for them the best that we can. As a business owner, you need a lawyer, and you need to work with a lawyer to protect yourself, your business and your brand. You want to find a lawyer who truly understands your work. You want to work with an attorney who can help you take the right legal steps for your business at the right time so you feel safe, secure, confident and empowered – and not legall