She Makes Magic: The Podcast Series

014: Tabitha Jayne, using nature to heal emotional blocks and build your trust muscle



Tabitha Jayne is an eco-psychologist, author, speaker and the founder of The Nature Process – an online program that teaches you how to tap into the power of nature so that you can discover the power and potential of your natural self. Tabi's love for and connection with the natural world started when she was just a child. As you’ll hear in this interview, Tabi has endured some extremely dark experiences throughout her life — severe ill health, bullying, childhood abuse, rape, and the death of her younger brother in a car accident — more darkness than any woman should have to experience in a lifetime. Yet again and again, Tabi returned to the healing power of nature to release her trauma. The sudden death of her brother and a profound awakening experience with an old oak tree propelled her into a period of deep healing and spiritual growth, eventually leading her to uncover and develop The Nature Process. Yet, her journey did not stop here. This interview catches Tabi in the midst of another profound awakenin