She Makes Magic: The Podcast Series

022: Beáta Alföldi - navigating challenges, fear and grief with grace and courage



Beáta Alföldi's journey begins all the way back at the age of four when she fell in love with dancing. Later in life, after winning a scholarship, she trained in America and eventually moved to England to work in the theatre. An opportunity, she describes, that allowed her to combine her love for dance, creative inspiration and travel. It would seem like Beáta was living the dream life. Yet the Universe had bigger plans. One evening, as she looked out over the theatre show she had tirelessly worked on for months, a little voiced asked "Is this it? Is this going to be it for the rest of my life?" Many people would shy away from this question but Beáta – having always had a stead-fast commitment to only ever doing what she loves – set about rectifying the in-congruency between her current life and her soul's desires, opening herself to a series of synchronistic events that propelled her down the path of yoga and then eventually leading her to discover shamanic and energetic healing. In this interview, you'll he