She Makes Magic: The Podcast Series

030: Laura Anne Page - navigating the unknown and mysterious underworld of the soul



If you're here, it's likely that you have, at some point in your life, felt the nudge of your soul calling you to explore deeper and ask the bigger questions. This soul inquiry process often starts out gentle – like a small quiet whisper – but eventually it gets louder and more urgent. What this can often lead to is a stripping away, crumbling or destruction of all that no longer serves us. Often we drop into a period of unknown mystery. A time when we are no longer the person we once were but who we are to become is yet to make itself known to us. I like to think of these periods as stripping for the soul. A process of removing all the layers we have outgrown. These times can be wild, erotic and empowering or they can feel awkward, uncomfortable and very vulnerable. This interview catches Laura Anne Page three years into a period of soul stripping or, what she refers to as, journeying into the soul underworld. Intrinsically tied to Laura's story is her former name Shakti Sunfire. A name which she used for ov