M&A Unplugged

10. Building And Selling Your Business with Toby VanOver



In this episode, Domenic and Toby VanOver discuss:   How they decided leaving their stable jobs and transitioning to their business   The importance of staying consistent with maintaining one's business    Consulting and creating a stable team for your business   The process of selling a business and reaping the most profit       Key Takeaways:   Even after selling your business, maintain it consistently   Maintain your business everyday as if you will sell it any day   Have your team be completely up to speed and have chemistry to streamline the process   Consult your team far in advance, prior to selling your business       "When someone's getting ready to sell their business I think that it’s absolutely paramount to have your comrade of professionals, your attorney your accountant be completely up to speed on MnA and if they're not, then it’s time to develop a new relationship." —  Toby VanOver       About Toby VanOver: Keith offered professional sales experience and knowledge of the trades.       Ann