Uniquely Brilliant Podcast

Episode 066: Commitment



Becky Berry and Diana Bader discuss the pitfalls and positives of commitments.  You can’t make progress without commitment. Commitment creates parameters that can increase productivity FOMO (fear of missing out) is an epidemic in this country and it’s creating commitment phobia. Committing to too many things makes it impossible to be committed to anything. Over scheduling teaches children they are worthless unless they are always busy. The things kids want to commit to don’t have to be the same things as their parents. This is how they explore. Set a timeframe to stick to your commitments. If you’re in an experience that isn’t working out for you, make sure you’ve spent enough time doing it to give it a chance. Interest vs Commitment: Interest is thought. Commitment is action. Your integrity is built on how you handle your commitments. When you let commitments slide, your integrity is tarnished and so is your self-esteem.