Uniquely Brilliant Podcast

Episode 68: Share the Wealth



 Becky and Diana discuss the value of asking for help and giving help.  When you take on a role sometimes it’s hard to let it go even when you don’t like it. It can be the same way with asking for help. Micro managing happens when someone needs to take on all the roles in a project. It’s hard to share and ask for help when you don’t have a model. Helping and sharing tasks is a core attribute of animals, including people. It’s a key to survival. People may want to help but don’t know how. Figure out a way to let them help. Feeling safe in a relationship is a key to asking for help. Asking for help shows respect for the person you are asking. Asking someone for help gives them the opportunity to meaningfully engage with you. When you need help, it’s not always easy to see the bridge that can connect you with the help. It’s great if you can identify what you want before you ask for help.