Uniquely Brilliant Podcast

Episode 074: It's Not Personal It's Business



Becky and Diana talk about the difficulties that ensue when we take critiques and mistakes personally. When someone criticizes your work, do you feel like they’re criticizing you? It can be hard to separate ourselves from our work, but we must. We need to maintain space between who we are and the work do so we can maintain our objectivity. We are not the products/ work we create. Taking things personally is like donning one heavy coat for every critical comment and carrying them around with us! One of the most effective skills to develop for handling critiques and mistakes is to have a short memory. Quarterbacks do not stomp out of the stadium after a bad pass! We don’t need to poll others for approval. Being professional means accomplishing the role we’ve accepted in our jobs along with their standards and then performing to those standards. We are not the job. When we take everything personally, we stop taking risks and stop growing. The Learning Zone – where we grow by making mistakes, listening to critiq