Uniquely Brilliant Podcast

Episode 078: Incremental Innovation



In the 3rd and final part of their series on innovation, Becky and Diana talk about incremental innovation.  Incremental innovation is the art of tweaking. When we have Uniquely Brilliant minds, we’re naturally inclined to innovative thinking. Businesses are looking for people who can improve upon things without reinventing them. Many of us who are Uniquely Brilliant can identify problems and see solutions other people cannot even imagine. Some innovators do a lot of internal processing before they share their ideas, while others present their ideas proceed to process them out loud. Innovation can only take place when there’s space to talk about it and then space for people to embrace it on their own terms. As innovators, when we identify the pain points that people are experiencing, it helps those people connect with our ideas. We coaches use innovation to help our clients become the best versions of themselves that they can right now. It’s critical to detach from the outcome when we share innovative ideas.