Uniquely Brilliant Podcast

Episode 111: Wonders and Expectations



Diana and Becky discuss their words for the year: Wonder and Steady and how they deploy the words to keep them on track.  Diana’s word-of-the-year is Wonder. Becky’s word-of-the-year is Steady. Expectation is the opposite of wonder because it pre-supposes an outcome. Wonder gives us the freedom to allow things to unfold. Having a framework for making decisions helps us capture the wonder in our lives. Some of us feel like we need rigid structure and miss out on wonder and the possibilities it offers. Wonder grows in a flexible structure. Expectations make our world smaller. Wonder can be a concrete thought or a sense. Expectations skew our perspective because when things don’t meet our expectations, we find ourselves automatically assuming they’re bad. Steady implies movement, where settle implies stuck. Our words-of-the-year help us stay focused and deflate the influence of expectations.