Uniquely Brilliant Podcast

Episode 117: The Funk



Becky is in a funk with a calendar full of positive events, so she and Diana hash out why.  The Funk can occur even when everything is going great. When we leave no margin in our lives for downtime and reflection, we can slip into a funk out of sheer self-preservation. Happiness Hangovers occurs as a reminder to slow down. The Funk can also be viewed as growing pains. We can find the time we need to deal with an emergency, so, we need to make time for downtime so we don’t cause one. If we take in too much, even really great stuff, we will probably explode or implode. The sheer overwhelm of everyday noise, including things unfinished or pushed aside, wears us down. Fragmented energy makes us feel out of control. Knowing how much change we can deal with can help us limit our time in The Funk.