Uniquely Brilliant Podcast

Episode 126: Why do we set ourselves up to fail?



  Becky and Diana examine how we set ourselves up to fail.  It’s never intentional. We over estimate our resources. Things either fall away because they have to or we can choose to let them go. We often take an all or nothing attitude. There is never a perfect time to do anything, so what can you do now to change things up? Sometimes we have to focus on what is working and move forward from there. We stay stuck out of stubbornness because we know we can do it all eventually, but do we really have to? And do we have to it this way? We have to shift our mindset so we can recognize what is not working. We can create a catalyst to create a shift. Too often we find ourselves thinking: If it matters to me, and I matter to you, it should matter to you too. (Ummmm…not if you haven’t communicated it to me clearly!)