Smart Real Estate Investing Podcast

SREI 6: Finding Deals in Craigslist



Hi and Welcome to another episode My goal is help you create income and wealth though real estate investing; so you can have the life you love in 10 years or less, even if you are investing during your spare time. Key Points in This Episode The largest online classifieds website is Craigslists and it is sometimes overlook by many investors, because they may think it’s free, and an old fashion website, but if you are diligent, you are going to find deals Finding deals in craigslist takes time and many people get frustrated thinking they can put a property under contract in days. In reality it may take a few months. So to make money in Craigslist you can use the passive approach or proactive approach By being passive, you need to create your own ads and post them daily, then wait for potential sellers to call you. If you are proactive – you need to start calling and texting sellers, landlords or another wholesalers within Craigslist For more details visit Additional show notes and links