Justin Mohr Show

69% of Americans admit to having less than $1000 in the bank! Is this partly the result of the payment mentality?



69% of Americans admit to have less than a $1000 in the bank! Why is this? Even the retirees out there die broke. 46% of retirees die with less than $10,000 in the bank. That’s not much money when you’re not bringing in income and are relying on savings! There’s no question there’s a lot of factors that have led to the average American being broke and the payment mentality is certainly one of the many contributing factors. In the last 17 years we have seen a 4% rise in median wages and an 89% increase in home prices. So the purchasing power of our wages has gone down so the average American is poorer today! This is the result of government spending hitting record levels! The governments spends money at the detriment to the average American.