Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#117: Breaking Free of The Prisons We've Built and Cultivating Joy Along The Way with Jason Goldberg



When you hear the phrase ‘work ethic’, what do you think?  For many reasons, Jason and I both strongly dislike it. Here's why.  When we take things too seriously, we lower our creativity.  When we try to control things (*cough* unhealthy obsession with productivity *cough*) we kill creativity and spontaneity.  Work ethic insinuates that there is some type of moral compass associated with working.  You’re either right (work hard and grind) or you’re wrong (lazy). If you have a good work ethic you’re a good person, a valuable person, someone of merit, but that type of thinking is problematic and it traps us.  Why are we putting so much pressure on work?  What about joy? Play? Rest? Relaxation?  We need to loosen the tight grip on everything we think we’re ‘supposed to be doing’ and let work be fun. What’s the point of everything you’re doing if we can’t have joy? How do you give up work ethic? How can we shift our reality? My guest this week is Jason Goldberg. As an ‘activator of joy’, his online business plan