Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#118: Experiential Based Marketing is a Gamechanger, and How To Bring It Into Your Business



How do you explain what it is that you do, when you feel parts of your work and the transformation you offer people are almost unexplainable?  Marketing is simply a form of communication. When trying to explain an experience, we need to think outside of just website copy, email copy, and social media copy. This alone won't open their eyes to the experience of what it’s truly like working with you, or using your product.  We’ve all heard the saying ‘it doesn’t matter what you say, it just matters how you make them feel’, well that applies to marketing too.  How can you make people feel what it’s like to work with you, when you know that words won’t do it justice? The best way to market your product or service: experience-based marketing. There are certain aspects of your way of doing business that can’t be explained. It’s a lived experience. Something that can only be understood to the full depth of it’s awesomeness through interaction.  You can do this, without them having to work with you or buy your product