Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#119: Taking the Big Leap and the beauty that comes with it - with Gay Hendricks



“If you don’t bring forth what is within you, it will destroy you” People are afraid to go inward and discover their genius, because they won’t know what they will do with it. Our zone of genius is such a big part of us, which is why it feels so scary and intimate to release it out to the world. But many of us end up doing only 10% of what we love doing, and the rest is work that drains us.  What if you could tailor your work to do 90% of what you love? Imagine the amount of energy that would radiate off of you and onto those around you, if you were able to spend the majority of your time doing work that truly makes you come alive and lights you up? This isn’t just some distant dream or naive thought, this is genuinely possible for you and others.  We spend so much of our bandwidth trying to avoid being vulnerable, it ironically becomes the very thing that makes us vulnerable. We desire financial freedom, but give up our freedom to make money. We want to create a name for ourselves so that we are important, b