Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#123: For anyone feeling overwhelmed or anxious in their business, this is for you



We are still in a global pandemic, protests are going on around the world and it also happens to be the middle of summer right now. This can lead all of us to feel like we are all in a place where maybe your priority isn’t fully on our work.  September is around the corner, which is often a time of new energy and beginnings. Like clockwork, it’s a time where for a lot of us, our guilt creeps in for not having done “enough” during the summer. It’s what I like to call a season of contraction. If we remember that expansion always follows our times of contraction, then we can be kinder to ourselves through the phases of feeling as if we’re not doing enough. We are humans, not machines, and that means we cycle through seasons and rhythms. Summer is often a season where we feel like doing less, and that is perfectly okay.  We all go through different cycles and the better you can befriend and understand yours, the easier it is to support yourself.  When we feel like we’re in a contraction, when we feel like we have