Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#125: The key to your success and happiness might just be your childhood self



We’ve often heard the phrase, ‘what advice would you give your younger self?’. I like posing the question from another perspective.  What advice would your childhood self give you?  There’s a lot of power in who we were before we started changing ourselves in order to belong. What would your childhood self say to the current day you? Would they be proud and excited? Would they find it interesting what you do for fun and play? Would they recognize themselves in you? Children are brutally honest, so listen to what your childhood self would say. Tap into these questions and see what you can uncover. A lot of who we are is who we’ve always been. Ask yourself: what was your essence as a child? One thing I admire about childhood Lana is that when you crossed a boundary of hers, she stood up for herself with confidence. She knew what was right and wrong (for her) and she would express that to you instead of trying to be polite and pretending it didn’t bother her.  As an adult, this is the area I struggle with the mo