Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#127: Embracing your complexities and creating space for diversity in your business



To build a successful business, there is sometimes this pressure to show up as one dimensional and to portray only a single side of us. There is so much emphasis on succeeding, that it’s also very easy for us to forget that we aren't one dimensional and perhaps have dreams outside of just ‘this’ business.  As a type 7 visionary, the biggest resistance I have in my business is to create complex structures that would take away from my freedom to explore other parts of myself, by requiring me to be ‘in’ my coaching business all the time. If I had a super rigid business structure, I wouldn’t be able to follow my real estate passion, or goal to be a serial entrepreneur. If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve seen that over the past few weeks I’ve been renovating my newest investment property, and soon you’ll see something else popping up.  At our roots, we are all multi-faceted, contradictory, and ever-evolving humans. We don’t have to commit to only one thing for the rest of our life. In my case, I don’t only run