Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#128: Don't let your insecurities make your business decisions for you



When I first launched my own coaching business, I left very little space for my authentic self. Why?  Because I didn’t think that who I was, was good enough.  I wore my glasses more often because I thought I had to look older and smarter. I wore dresses and presented more feminine because I thought business coaches who were women had to look a certain way in order to be accepted. I would be more serious and less playful, all business and less spiritual.  This all stemmed from me feeling that who I was wasn’t good enough, and therefore I needed to be someone else. Some projected idea of what I thought success looked like.  This might resonate with you because this is how you feel too. I sometimes still catch myself feeling this way. Being a calculated version of who you think you need to be will never allow you to feel whole. Feeling unworthy is a black hole that no amount of accomplishments or success will ever fill. Learning to show up as the magnificent human you are, though, will help.  Ask yourself: How c